
Saturday 18 May 2013

Stuffed Bread Rolls

Stuffed Bread Rolls


White or brown bread -8 slices
1 cup crumbled paneer

boiled Potatoes – 1 medium
Onion- 1 chopped
Tomatoes 2 chopped

Cilantro – 2-3 tbsp [finely chopped]
Vegetable oil- 1 tbsp
Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
Cooking oil for deep frying
If baking, cooking spray or simply brush with butter or oil
Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
Garam or Chaat Masala – 1 tsp-optional
Red chili powder – 1 tsp or as per your taste
Yogurt or sour cream-2 tbsp
Roasted Cumin & coriander seeds – 1 tsp (powdered)
Brown Sugar – 1 tsp-optional
Salt as per taste
1 egg, salt n pepper for coating

To make stuffing:

Make paneer or use store bought ready paneer.

Boil and peel potato. Mash them coarsely and keep aside. or use ready potato flakes

In a bowl, combine paneer, onion, tomatoes, cilantro, sour cream, and all dry ingredients and mix well. Let it marinate for about 2 hours or use instantly. But to enhance flavor I marinate paneer with all ingredients.

In a pan heat 1 tbsp vegetable oil. Add cumin seeds and let it crackle. Add marinated mixture. Cook for 2minutes. Mixture tends to release water, so add potato mixture in the pan and mix well for couple of minutes. The stuffing is ready.

To make bread rolls:

Take 1 cup of water in a shallow bowl and keep aside.
Cut the brown edges of all the bread slices. Now take one slice of bread on your palm and sprinkle some water from the bowl kept aside. Make both the sides wet but not soggy. Press it gently to remove excess water.
Now put 2 tbsp of stuffing on the wet bread. And very gently roll the sides of the bread to cover the stuffing. The stuffing should be completely covered. And try to make the seam even.
Once the bread roll is even on all the sides, place it on a dry plate. Repeat the process with rest of the bread slices.
Heat oil in a pan for deep frying the rolls. Oil should be medium-hot.
take 1 egg, salt n pepper, mix well, dip rolls one by one & carefully fry the bread rolls in the oil. Keep turning after couple minutes, till done. They should be brown and crispy. Drain the bread rolls on the kitchen towel.

Serve hot with ketchup or green chutney.

If you prefer breadBalls and not rolls, follow instructions below to make them in ball shape:

Place 2tbsp of mixture in the centre of damp bread and gather all edges of bread in center and try to foam nice ball by pressing from all sides.

Make sure filling does not come out from the bread.

Repeat for remaining bread slices and potato filling

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