
Monday 17 June 2013




1.5 ltr Milk
Sugar to taste
Almond & Pistachio - Chopped
1 cup Khoya
1/2 cup Dry Milk powder
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
2 bread slices
50g Butter
2 drops of kewra essence
1/2 tsp Rose water


Heat milk until just below boiling point.. Add sugar, cardamom powder, dry milk powder and butter, while stirring continously for about 1 min. Cook on medium fire for 15 mins. Now add khoya, almond & pistachio, kewra essence and rose water, stir thoroughly until the mixture thickens. Allow to cool, add bread slices in small pieces and mix then put in a blender and run for about 30 sec to 1 minute. Pour in qulfa mould or in a suitable plastic, aluminium conatiner/tray and freeze. Serve with strawberry syrup, noodles & jelly.

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