Chicken Massala

Chicken Massala
Chicken -500g ( cut in 2 2" cubes, but i used big pieces,ghee-4tab
Curd-1cup (blended)
Water 1/2 cup
Green chilles -4 (cut in to long shape)
Salt-1tsp, cummin pwdr-1tsp, corriendr pwdr-1tab, pepper-1/2 tsp, turmeric pwdr-1/2tsp, tomato -100g (blanch & blend it)
Onion-1+ garlic nos3+ ginger-1/2" = grind it
Lemon juice-21/2tab,tandoori pwdr-1/2 tsp ( mix wth water),
Sugar-1/2 tsp, star anies-2 petals, bay leaf, chilly pwdr-1tab

corriendr leaves n mint leaves
In a bowl add chiken , salt , lemon n mix well n add da tandoori coloring mix and keep it 4 one hour.
in a pan add gee n heat it nd add onion past n fry 2 mnts, n add da merinated chicken n cook 6-7 mints, nd add da star annies, bay leaf, crusd cloves n carmom n curry stuff n mix n cook4 2mints.nd add tomato past ,water mix it n close da lis n cook 4 8-10 mints. Add da curd, sugar n cook till thick gravy, n add da , lime juice , green chillies n mix n speinkle da leaves n off da cooker. Serve